The new technology is hard to master
but losing you will be real disaster
Please come back dear Neetu
I cry my heart out for all I did to you
My heart melts with emotions dear
like on a heated CPU would liquefy butter
I'll never be a technology buff
since i have you, I have enough.
Please come back dear Neetu
My heart technobuffs only for you
I've searched through the recycle bin
and files of every kind
I've even used the internet,
but not you did i find.
I promise to upgrade myself to your hero,
from boyfriend 1.0 to husband 1.0.

Husband 1.0 will then spawn Child Processors
which will consume valuable resources
but never mind, Neetu my princess!!
PubNight 2.4, GirlsNight 3.5, CocktailNight 7.11
will be replaced by Romance 24*7
I'll install undesired Plug-ins
like Mother-in-law 5.8 and Brother-in-law Beta release
I promise that system performance won't diminish.
I'll install "shopping, wash clothes, etc." button
Also cook "Chinese, Thai, tandoor and mutton"
I'll never popup annoying messages
don't you worry, Neetu dearest.
I promise you complaints will be none,
when I'll install Lover 1.1.
Then you won't leave me ever
and not log out for another user.
A 4x CD is not so great
But my love for you is up to date
I dream for you in 256 pallette.
With high resolution and graphics
in my 160 GB hard disk,
Dear Neetu, I have only your pics.
An all DOS system is way behind
but my love for you is the modern kind.
Hey guys, if inside your "inbox"
My Neetu you should see,
Please "copy", "scan" and "paste" her
and send her back to me!
Till then I'll sleep on cloud seven,
and log on to www.dreams.heaven