Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sometimes one should just wait and watch….

I did not want to pen this post. Atleast NOT now. It is like perturbing the mother hen in her comfortable nest before her little ones are hatched properly. It is gross. But perhaps the urge to set ablaze the gunpowder that has accumulated for three months is more domineering than the warmth of the sneaky ordeal. The inner turmoil is overpowering and the clenched fist is no longer able to contain the sand. So I let it go ..

It all started on 14th March’10, when I gave my papers. A brilliant streak of light had completely blinded me by showing hopes of the future. Something told me, I had a bigger gold mine to dig. So I should move on.

‘Market Research’ had intrigued me no ends. The job was giving me everything – security, comfort, money and the goodies of life. Perhaps, happiness also. But deep inside I was aware that the happiness was ephemeral. I wanted to unleash the real ‘ME’ and follow my heart’s call.

Maybe, I could have just stuck onto the comfort zone. Worked day in and day out doing market research. After ten years, I could have been a research analyst or maybe a consultant. After forty years, I would have retired saying “I perhaps did what I believed in”. And after fifty years, I would have ended my life saying “I wish I had exercised faith in my abilities in the beginning of my career”.

“I know I can do it, because the dreams are mine to weave, it is just to do my best, just to know that I believe” (Courtesy Magboard! :-))

I left my past for a more promising future, packed my bags in the pursuit of happiness and to dig the bigger gold mine – The world of media.
The path isn’t as rosy as it seemed to me at first. It istrewn with thorns. But then, who said it is going to be easy. I only know that I am taking my heart’s call, so everything seems just fine.

There are a lot of challenges to surmount and a fusillade of questions coming from my family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances (and some unwanted people). Lots of failures, disheartenment and loss of hope. I got to know more of the world and the wicked ways in it. But for one thing, I never felt singled out. My family was always a sigh of relief. There were times when, being conspired by circumstances, my determination started to vacillate. I knew there were my family and friends who helped me move a step further towards my goal, by boosting my morale.

I still haven’t overcome all fears. It is like a daily struggle. But hey, do you know what the new Nokia Inc commercial says? – “Fortune favours the bold” :-P

However, this is a long term investment. Whether my decision was right or was I just foolishly bold, I won’t comment. No comment until something fruitful works out. This is the worst phase, when you have exhausted all the possibilities and have nothing precise to do. A phase of Wait and Watch!


Ramit Grover said...

Being bold and foolish generally always go hand in hand. But I respect you more for giving it a try once. We don't know what'll happen tomorrow, but at least you can look back and think, Hey, I tried my best.

Wish you all the luck. God bless you!

bondgal_rulz said...

Dude!!!! You are made for better things, trust me !!!

Keep the faith, (along with the perseverence, and success shalt be at your feet.

Love ya loads. :)

Nilanjana said...

@Bald guy: thats really encouraging, m sure what u said will pump me for the next few weeks to go. Thanks :)

PS: Can I not call u bald guy? lol, ur good name pls!?

Nilanjana said...

@Isha: Bondgal :) tusi great ho! :-> shukriya! n yes, keeping the faith n perseverance intact till now n for days to come!

Lub ju too!!

Ramit Grover said...

Call me Tbg. It's smaller and easier I guess! :-)

aastha said...

have 'Aastha' in urself idiot ;-P..u have done the right ur friend. I wont quote Robert Frost(two roads and stuff)...but yes thr are two things required for success - patience and courage. keep them both!!

Rishabh Singla said...

interesting read. keep going, but don't wait and watch. work systematically and work hard.

read this for an overdose of inspiration:

Nilanjana said...

@Aastha: 'aastha' is always with me :) sometimes dormant may be. but always by my side, in the tests of time. thank u so much.

Nilanjana said...

@Rishabh: 'work systematically n work hard' cud only come from yu, u lead by example :) sure will do!
n Steve Jobs is surely guiding me while 'connecting the dots'

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